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Friday, January 7, 2011

Belajar Membuat Tampilan SegiTiga Bintang (Java Programming)

Program membuat tampilan SegiTiga Bintang
* NestedLoop
* Copyright 2006 by Jeff Heaton(
*the out put=
* * * * * * * * *
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* @Yoseph Ole
* @version 1.1
public class NestedLoopBintang
public static void main(String args[] )
for( int x = 10; x>1 ; x -- )
for( int y = 1; y
System.out.print(" *");

Program Hitung Segi Tiga dan Menara Hanoi (Java programming)

Program Menghitung luas Segitiga

/* Program Menghitung Luas Segi Tiga

* Yoseph Ole 0843190001

* 0813.86.0813.29


import javax.swing.*;

public class HitungLuasSegitiga


public static void main(String[] args)


double luas;

double alas=Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input Alas Segitiga :"));

double tinggi=Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input Tinggi Segitiga :"));


System.out.println("Alas Segitiga : "+ alas);

System.out.println("Tinggi Segitiga : "+ tinggi);

System.out.println("Luas Segitiga : "+ luas);

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, luas,"Jadi, Luas Segitiga adalah :", 1);



Program Menara Hanoi (Perpindahan balok ke tempat tumpukan baru)

public class MenaraHanoi


public static void main(String[]args)


System.out.println("\n PROGRAM MENARA HANOI");

System.out.println(" ---------------------\n");

System.out.print("Masukkan Jumlah balok: ");

int n = InputConsole.readInt();

System.out.println("Perpindahan balok :");

System.out.println(" -----------------\n");

memindahkanBalok(n, 'A', 'B', 'C');


public static void memindahkanBalok(int n, char menaraAsal, char menaraTujuan, char menaraBantuan)



System.out.println("Memindahkan balok "+n+"dari"+menaraAsal+" ke "+menaraTujuan);



memindahkanBalok(n-1, menaraAsal,menaraBantuan, menaraTujuan);

System.out.println("Memindahkan balok "+n+" dari "+menaraAsal+" ke "+menaraTujuan);

memindahkanBalok(n-1, menaraBantuan,menaraTujuan, menaraAsal);




Program Game GoMoku (Java programming)

Belajar program Java untuk membuat game GoMoku


import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;


* This panel lets two users play GoMoku (a.k.a Pente) against each

* other. Black always starts the game. When a player gets five-in-a-row,

* that player wins. The game ends in a draw if the board is filled

* before either player wins.


* The class has a main() routine that lets it be run as a stand-alone

* application. The application just opens a window that uses an object

* of type GoMoku as its content pane.


* There is also a nested class, GoMoku, that can be used

* as an applet version of the program. The applet size should be

* 350-by-250 (or very close to that).


public class GoMoku extends JPanel {


* Main routine makes it possible to run GoMoku as a stand-alone

* application. Opens a window showing a GoMoku panel; the program

* ends when the user closes the window.


public static void main(String[] args) {

JFrame window = new JFrame("GoMoku");

GoMoku content = new GoMoku();



Dimension screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

window.setLocation( (screensize.width - window.getWidth())/2,

(screensize.height - window.getHeight())/2 );

window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );





* Nested applet class that can be used to run GoMoku as an

* applet. Size of the applet should be 350-by-250


public static class Applet extends JApplet {

public void init() {

setContentPane( new GoMoku() );



private JButton newGameButton; // Button for starting a new game.

private JButton resignButton; // Button that a player can use to end the

// game by resigning.

private JLabel message; // Label for displaying messages to the user.


* The constructor lays out the panel. The work of

* the game is all done in the Board object. A null layout

* is used, and all setup of sizes and positions is done here.


public GoMoku() {

setLayout(null); // I will do the layout myself.

setPreferredSize( new Dimension(350,250) );

setBackground(new Color(0,150,0)); // Dark green background.

/* Create the components and add them to the applet. */

Board board = new Board(); // Note: The constructor for the

// board also creates the buttons

// and label.





/* Set the position and size of each component by calling

its setBounds() method. */

board.setBounds(16,16,172,172); // Note: size MUST be 172-by-172 !

newGameButton.setBounds(210, 60, 120, 30);

resignButton.setBounds(210, 120, 120, 30);

message.setBounds(0, 200, 350, 30);


// ----------------------- Nested class -----------------------------------


* This panel displays a 168-by-168 pixel checkerboard pattern with

* a 2-pixel black border. It is assumed that the size of the

* canvas is set to exactly 172-by-172 pixels. This class does

* the work of letting the users play GoMoku, and it displays

* the checkerboard. In this program, the board has 13 rows and

* columns of squares.


class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseListener {

int[][] board; // The data for the board is kept here. The values

// in this array are chosen from the following constants.

static final int EMPTY = 0, // Represents an empty square.

WHITE = 1, // A white piece.

BLACK = 2; // A black piece.

boolean gameInProgress; // Is a game currently in progress?

int currentPlayer; // Whose turn is it now? The possible values

// are WHITE and BLACK. (This is valid only while

// a game is in progress.)

int win_r1, win_c1, win_r2, win_c2; // When a player wins by getting five or more

// pieces in a row, the squares at the

// ends of the row are (win_r1,win_c1)

// and (win_r2,win_c2). A red line is

// drawn between these squares. When there

// are no five pieces in a row, the value of

// win_r1 is -1. The values are set in the

// count() method. The value of win_r1 is

// tested in the paintComponent() method.


* Constructor. Create the buttons and label. Listen for mouse

* clicks and for clicks on the buttons. Create the board and

* start the first game.


public Board() {



resignButton = new JButton("Resign");


newGameButton = new JButton("New Game");


message = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER);

message.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 14));


board = new int[13][13];




* Respond to user's click on one of the two buttons.


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

Object src = evt.getSource();

if (src == newGameButton)


else if (src == resignButton)




* Begin a new game; this is called by the actionPerformed()

* method when a user clicks the New Game button.


void doNewGame() {

if (gameInProgress == true) {

// This should not be possible because New Game button

// is enabled only when it is legal to use it, but it doesn't

// hurt to check.

message.setText("Finish the current game first!");



for (int row = 0; row < style="mso-spacerun: yes"> // Fill the board with EMPTYs

for (int col = 0; col <>

board[row][col] = EMPTY;

currentPlayer = BLACK; // BLACK moves first.

message.setText("BLACK: Make your move.");

gameInProgress = true;



win_r1 = -1; // This value indicates that no red line is to be drawn.




* Current player resigns; this is called by the actionPerformed()

* method when a user clicks the Resign button. Game ends, and

* opponent wins.


void doResign() {

if (gameInProgress == false) {

// This should not be possible.

message.setText("There is no game in progress!");



if (currentPlayer == WHITE)

message.setText("WHITE resigns. BLACK wins.");


message.setText("BLACK resigns. WHITE wins.");



gameInProgress = false;



* This method is called whenever the game ends. The parameter, str,

* is displayed as a message, and the buttons are enabled/disabled

* to reflect the fact that a game is not currently in progress.


void gameOver(String str) {




gameInProgress = false;



* This is called by mousePressed() when a player clicks on the

* square in the specified row and col. It has already been checked

* that a game is, in fact, in progress.


void doClickSquare(int row, int col) {

/* Check that the user clicked an empty square. If not, show an

error message and exit. */

if ( board[row][col] != EMPTY ) {

if (currentPlayer == BLACK)

message.setText("BLACK: Please click an empty square.");


message.setText("WHITE: Please click an empty square.");



/* Make the move. Check if the board is full or if the move

is a winning move. If so, the game ends. If not, then it's

the other user's turn. */

board[row][col] = currentPlayer; // Make the move.


if (winner(row,col)) { // First, check for a winner.

if (currentPlayer == WHITE)

gameOver("WHITE wins the game!");


gameOver("BLACK wins the game!");



boolean emptySpace = false; // Check if the board is full.

for (int i = 0; i <>

for (int j = 0; j <>

if (board[i][j] == EMPTY)

emptySpace = true;

if (emptySpace == false) {

gameOver("The game ends in a draw.");



/* Continue the game. It's the other player's turn. */

if (currentPlayer == BLACK) {

currentPlayer = WHITE;

message.setText("WHITE: Make your move.");


else {

currentPlayer = BLACK;

message.setText("BLACK: Make your move.");


} // end doClickSquare()


* This is called just after a piece has been played on the

* square in the specified row and column. It determines

* whether that was a winning move by counting the number

* of squares in a line in each of the four possible

* directions from (row,col). If there are 5 squares (or more)

* in a row in any direction, then the game is won.


private boolean winner(int row, int col) {

if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, 0 ) >= 5)

return true;

if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 0, 1 ) >= 5)

return true;

if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, -1 ) >= 5)

return true;

if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, 1 ) >= 5)

return true;

/* When we get to this point, we know that the game is not

won. The value of win_r1, which was changed in the count()

method, has to be reset to -1, to avoid drawing a red line

on the board. */

win_r1 = -1;

return false;

} // end winner()


* Counts the number of the specified player's pieces starting at

* square (row,col) and extending along the direction specified by

* (dirX,dirY). It is assumed that the player has a piece at

* (row,col). This method looks at the squares (row + dirX, col+dirY),

* (row + 2*dirX, col + 2*dirY), ... until it hits a square that is

* off the board or is not occupied by one of the players pieces.

* It counts the squares that are occupied by the player's pieces.

* Furthermore, it sets (win_r1,win_c1) to mark last position where

* it saw one of the player's pieces. Then, it looks in the

* opposite direction, at squares (row - dirX, col-dirY),

* (row - 2*dirX, col - 2*dirY), ... and does the same thing.

* Except, this time it sets (win_r2,win_c2) to mark the last piece.

* Note: The values of dirX and dirY must be 0, 1, or -1. At least

* one of them must be non-zero.


private int count(int player, int row, int col, int dirX, int dirY) {

int ct = 1; // Number of pieces in a row belonging to the player.

int r, c; // A row and column to be examined

r = row + dirX; // Look at square in specified direction.

c = col + dirY;

while ( r >= 0 && r <>= 0 && c <>

// Square is on the board and contains one of the players's pieces.


r += dirX; // Go on to next square in this direction.

c += dirY;


win_r1 = r - dirX; // The next-to-last square looked at.

win_c1 = c - dirY; // (The LAST one looked at was off the board or

// did not contain one of the player's pieces.

r = row - dirX; // Look in the opposite direction.

c = col - dirY;

while ( r >= 0 && r <>= 0 && c <>

// Square is on the board and contains one of the players's pieces.


r -= dirX; // Go on to next square in this direction.

c -= dirY;


win_r2 = r + dirX;

win_c2 = c + dirY;

// At this point, (win_r1,win_c1) and (win_r2,win_c2) mark the endpoints

// of the line of pieces belonging to the player.

return ct;

} // end count()


* Draws the board and the pieces on the board. If the game has

* been won by getting five or more pieces in a row, draws a red line

* through the pieces.


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

super.paintComponent(g); // Fill with background color, lightGray

/* Draw a two-pixel black border around the edges of the canvas,

and draw grid lines in darkGray. */


for (int i = 1; i <>

g.drawLine(1 + 13*i, 0, 1 + 13*i, getSize().height);

g.drawLine(0, 1 + 13*i, getSize().width, 1 + 13*i);





/* Draw the pieces that are on the board. */

for (int row = 0; row <>

for (int col = 0; col <>

if (board[row][col] != EMPTY)

drawPiece(g, board[row][col], row, col);

/* If the game has been won, then win_r1 >= 0. Draw a line to mark

the five winning pieces. */

if (win_r1 >= 0)


} // end paintComponent()


* Draw a piece in the square at (row,col). The color is specified

* by the piece parameter, which should be either BLACK or WHITE.


private void drawPiece(Graphics g, int piece, int row, int col) {

if (piece == WHITE)




g.fillOval(3 + 13*col, 3 + 13*row, 10, 10);



* Draw a 2-pixel wide red line from the middle of the square at

* (win_r1,win_c1) to the middle of the square at (win_r2,win_c2).

* This routine is called to mark the 5 pieces that won the game.

* The values of the variables are set in the count() method.


private void drawWinLine(Graphics g) {


g.drawLine( 8 + 13*win_c1, 8 + 13*win_r1, 8 + 13*win_c2, 8 + 13*win_r2 );

if (win_r1 == win_r2)

g.drawLine( 8 + 13*win_c1, 7 + 13*win_r1, 8 + 13*win_c2, 7 + 13*win_r2 );


g.drawLine( 7 + 13*win_c1, 8 + 13*win_r1, 7 + 13*win_c2, 8 + 13*win_r2 );



* Respond to a user click on the board. If no game is

* in progress, show an error message. Otherwise, find

* the row and column that the user clicked and call

* doClickSquare() to handle it.


public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {

if (gameInProgress == false)

message.setText("Click \"New Game\" to start a new game.");

else {

int col = (evt.getX() - 2) / 13;

int row = (evt.getY() - 2) / 13;

if (col >= 0 && col <>= 0 && row <>




public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { }

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }

public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }

} // end nested class Board

} // end class GoMoku

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